|Collect them all to mix and match and expand the storytelling fun.|Each is right on trend with popular colors, modern materials and cool touches (like tapered hems, zippers or ruffles).|Includes one bottom; doll not included.|Product Reference: MTBBFPH28
UPC/EAN: 887961607994|These trendy bottoms for Barbie doll (sold separately) are perfect for expressing personal style and exploring endless stories. Choose from versatile skirts that are sweet, sporty or sophisticated.|These trendy bottoms for Barbie doll (sold separately) are perfect for expressing personal style and exploring endless stories. Choose from versatile skirts that are sweet, sporty or sophisticated.
Each is right on trend with popular colors, modern materials and cool touches (like tapered hems, zippers or ruffles).
Collect them all to mix and match and expand the storytelling fun.
Includes one bottom; doll not included.Product Reference: MTBBFPH28
UPC/EAN: 887961607994
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